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It Was Like She Punched Me In The Gut!
When I read the words she wrote about me last week it felt like I got punched in the gut. 🤛🏼I had never heard anyone make fun of my “in...

Our Choice For Joy
“The window is shattered, they broke in,” was what I heard from Caleb when I called him at 6am this morning. Caleb about to drive to his...

And I Thought I Loved You Then
Almost every day for the last couple months I’ve been reflecting on our marriage. This month we will celebrate 5 years, and it’s amazing...

They Said Our Special Love Wouldn’t Last
Caleb and I worked together at a Christian school when we first got married (I taught about relationships & Bible, Caleb taught History)....

Burdens Remedy
Yesterday was a tough day. (We never share to have you feel bad for us or throw a pity party, we like to share real stuff that could be...

You Are Loved
Your reminder that you are loved. You are beautifully and wonderfully made with a purpose. I need to hear that today and remind some...

Beautiful Restoration
This is Chris and Kinzie and their little one. Their story blew us away! _____ Chris grew up the oldest, without having a father around...

What Path To Take
Do you ever wonder what path to take? _____ My trust has been in so many things over the years. Family, friendships, sports (swimming for...

Do You Love Me?
“I don’t want anything else for Christmas this year” I told my parents that 7th grade year. I’d asked for a dog as long as I could...

Light In The Darkness
Life can get us down sometimes. Dang it’s hard with so many battles. Can I get an amen? But always needing to remind each other to count...
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