Relationships have the capacity to add so much joy and value to life or steal energy and happiness. Our relationship is SO far from perfect, but wow is it better than I could have been. To be honest, I used to be absolutely horrible at relationships. So much so that I go dumped on Valentines Day by my ex-fiancé & the wedding was already planned and paid for. I made it my mission after that to become a relationship expert. So I could be a better wife in the future (and even have the opportunity to be a wife) and help others have thriving relationship. I love being a relationship mentor to many people (through our online course) and seeing them getting amazing results is my greatest joy! My Masters is in Marriage and Family therapy, and that program kicked my butt and really made me examine myself and my motives within dating and relationships. I put the best material I learned into practice, and helped my clients as a therapist and teacher for years before I started our company. It’s so neat to get to work with people from all over the country, and so grateful for the way it’s impacted their lives and my own marriage. Today on our instastories (then I will add it to our love highlights) I’m partnering with @jewel.posse and sharing 5 keys to having a thriving relationship/marriage. We also have a free webinar (link in bio) if you want to learn more about how I was able to overcome my fears within dating and have the relationship that I do with Caleb. Through case studies of so many relationships I put the best info I learned in that free webinar and our class. Relationships have the capacity to add so much joy and value to life or steal energy and happiness. Learning ways to grow and help others in the thing that’s most near and dear to most people’s hearts and happiness is my passion. Let me know if you have any questions. What’s something you’ve found to be vital in having a thriving relationship? Love hearing from you!