CONFESSION 🙄 I was in a tough battle yesterday, friends. And it wasn’t my first fight like this. Compassion. I’m not proud of it. But I like to keep it real, in the hopes of helping anyone that stumbles at times like me. I felt an overwhelming feeling of not being good enough. My mind went on trails of ‘if only’s’ and regrets. If only I was skinner, prettier, started our company earlier, knew Caleb longer (all things that are so silly for me to think about.) It’s interesting this happened in a week with so much for me to celebrate. A goal of mine and Caleb’s for a long time has been to reach 10K followers, we did that, and booked another wedding for 2018 with such a sweet couple. So many things to celebrate. But instead of focusing on that, I let some big disappointments overwhelm me, and blamed my lack for all the disappointments. I want to encourage you today friends, that no ones life is perfect. We are all fighting battles, and we’re not alone. We compare peoples highlights from the outside to our deepest thoughts and fears. We all have flaws and insecurities. No ones relationship is perfect either. I love Caleb SO much, but life can get the best of both of us at times, and sometimes we take that out on each other. I’m not where I want to be, but I’m also not where I was and that’s something to celebrate. Today I’m challenged to continue grow as a person, but also to be grateful for where I am at this moment with the current blessings in front of me. I don't want comparison or disappointments rob us of joy today, friends. What do you think? Love to hear from you!