You are not alone. But throughout my life I recall feeling so utterly alone. Even in times surrounded by friends, family, or in a crowd of people I felt alone. I had secrets, things about my life I was hiding from others and myself that isolated me. ___ I remember laying on my friends couch after a college party one night. Wide awake, not understanding why the loneliness was eating me up inside. I was just hanging out with all my friends, had a loving family, a “great” life, so what was wrong to make me feel so alone? I remember several months later crying out to God for help to save me from these feelings. I decided to surrender my life to God, and I began to find out I was never as alone as I thought. ___ Have you ever watched a movie with a big plot twist and when you watch it the second time you wonder how you missed all these cues that seem so obvious now, but you didn’t notice the first time around? That’s what it was like when I started looking at my life after I gave my life to God. I realized the old poem to actually be true: one set of footprints in the sand instead of two didn’t mean the person was alone, but that God was carrying them. There were moments I was mad at God, but then when I saw it from the new perspective I realized His love was never far away from me. ___ Christmas proves we are not alone. 🎄Not only do we have God who made us who is with us, He also understands us and our pain. Jesus came to earth as a baby born in humble circumstances, a refugee, from an outside perspective illegitimately born. He was an outcast, isolated, gossiped about, people hated him, people wanted to kill him, abandoned by friends, rejected in his hometown. Eventually tortured and killed. Jesus understands pain. ___ After Jesus rose from the grave this is what He said “And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age”- Matthew 28:20. Many of songs we sing this Holiday🌟 season remind us that Jesus really did come. He really did die. He really did rise again. To save us and let us know we will never be alone ever again. Not even sickness or death can separate us from His love. You are not alone, dear friend. Do you know this to be true?