I ❤️ taking pretty pictures. Of people, of scenery, of Caleb & I. Pictures at weddings and engagements are so fun, and I love how stunning the bride looks & how nice everyone is dressed. I love wearing makeup & pretty dresses. I love edited pictures, I never do much retouching, but love enhancing the pictures to bring out the most beauty. But I also love wearing no makeup and dressing in comfy clothes. I love when everything is neat and clean, but being ok when it isn't. I've realized I'd rather be present over perfect, although still a struggle many times. I asked Caleb to take this no makeup picture of me. #realstagram I was disgusted when I first looked at the pictures and said some really mean things about myself. I wanted to post the one I was hiding half my face. No editing or retouching, & scared to post it raw. Am I worth more when I weigh less or am more put together? Somewhere in my heart and head I say so, but I also know it's not the truth. Beauty & success can be taken away in a moment. Most things we desperately put our identity in can be taken from us in a split second. That's shaky ground to walk on and causes much anxiety. But I've learned and am daily trying to receive more the identity that can't be shaken from me, or from you. Just as a crumpled $100 doesn't lose it's value, our value doesn't decrease based on age, success, looks, martial and family status, etc. God made us. He loves us. He sent Jesus to die for us. He finds me just as valuable when I'm 15 pounds heavier than I was before I was married. It's hard for me to receive but it's true. We're loved not because of what we've done, but because of what He's done. No matter who you are or what you've done, I want to assure you of this truth today and I tell myself the same thing. In the light of Jesus and His love, jealously, comparison, picking myself apart dissipate. He allows us to see ourselves and others with the utmost value because of who they were made by, not anything else. I will keep curating and taking pretty pictures, but also want to share the real parts of life. Love to hear your thoughts! You're so valuable!!