Our Big First!!
After over 4 years of marriage…and now we have bought our first real piece of furniture!! It’s exciting for us you guys!! All our stuff is hand me down that we painted with chalk paint to match each other, Salvation Army finds, a couch cover for Gramma’s old couch & plastic stuff.
But now… we have a real coffee table!! Our old tiny plastic one was really needing an upgrade, and when we popped into our local West elm and they were having a big sale on our nightly walk, and saw this one, we loved it. We called up our awesome brother and he came with there truck and we go the floor model. We got a couple matching pieces too and for such a steal! Let us know what you think!
One day we really need a new couch, do you have one you love? Where did you get it? Have you had any exciting firsts lately?
Love hearing from. You guys!!
