My life was changed in Rwanda, and I'm going to tell you how. I volunteered at an orphanage on a missions trip, and tears come to my eyes thinking about how much I miss all the kids and friends I made there. This is one of the sweet girls from the trip, Godance. She was vibrant with joy, laughter, and spunk. I love her sweet hands in prayer here, and this reminds me of a powerful lesson I try to hold onto. A group of street boys in Rwanda, and other Rwandan friends I met there taught me about something that's changed my life. After dinner one night, we had a lot of left over rice, beans, plantains and sauce (a typical Rwandan meal). Outside were about six street boys around seven/eight years old. One of our Rwandan friends and leaders told the boys he had something for them. The boys gathered in a circle on the dirty ground, about to set the rice, beans and plantains before them. I wondered how these boys would eat this messy food without any utensils. I had a picture in my mind that as soon as Dama would sit down the bowl they would immediately start fighting over who could get the most food, but that’s not what happened. When the food was placed before them, they all folded their hands, bowed their heads and prayed. They thanked God for the food set before them. People’s leftovers. They had dirty hands and no utensils. They were homeless. Without parents to love them. In a poor, recovering war-torn country. I thought about all the things I have complained about in my life. All the ways I haven’t given thanks because things weren’t perfect. I was humbled in a crazy way. And every time I think of this example I’m humbled/changed again. There’s so much to be grateful for. So much joy to be had when we thank God for even the tiniest blessings, and being a blessing to others is the best. It’s easy to think about the things that aren’t going right and what we don’t have, but it’s better to focus on the good, pure, holy, praiseworthy things. Freedom and joy flow from the later. I hope these kids can inspire you like they inspire me. What are you thankful for today? Love hearing from you!Â