I can’t believe this little 🍯🐻 pup is almost 9 months old!! She’s my first ever dog, after wanting one my whole life. It’s been way more work than I thought it could be, but also way more laughs and entertainment too. It’s crazy how a 4 1/2 lb little creature could have the biggest personality. This pic is her right after a haircut we gave her, it’s usually much longer and grows so fast, thickest hair I’ve ever seen! She’s obsessed with meeting every person she sees (esp. little kids), stealing Kleenex’s from my pocket, peanut butter, and chewing on Caleb’s facial hair and her lamb chop toy (the only one small enough that she can make squeak with her little mouth). Her favorite people are us and her grandparents. Her favorite place to go is the beach and she loves digging sand all over our beach towels or falling asleep cuddled next to her dad. She’s getting better at making friends with other dogs, and we’re working on her not having so much separation anxiety from us. Any advice for us as our first puppy is getting older? What’s something your fur-baby is loving these days. Love hearing from you guys!