Friend, You are loved. I’m talking to you (even if we’ve never met). You are so very loved. I think so many problems in this world stem from the lack of believing this truth. We walk around feeling worthless, alone, and unloved. Afraid to be found out for who we really are and if we would be, that no one would love us. We believe that no one could truly, unconditionally love us. And underneath any facades people put out, I truly believe this is the number one need of each human who has ever lived and will ever live. To be truly, deeply, unconditional loved. We walk around starving for any affirmation that we’re loved and good enough. Longing to be seen and terrified to be seen all at once. Sad news, people can’t unconditionally love us. We’re selfish & self centered. Even if someone’s love was close to perfect, death will eventually take it away. This fear of having love taken away I believe causes much anxiety. This thankfully isn’t the end of the story though. But, God. Those are some of the best words in the Bible. Beyond the filters, money, job titles, education, political issues etc. that people so tightly cling to for their identity, God has given us a completely separate identity. One that can’t be taken away by sickness, disasters, death. The thing each of us long for more deeply than anything else. Unconditional Love. But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. - Romans 5:8 In Romans 8 it says: For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Wow. That’s the best news I’ve ever heard in my entire life. The thing that we all long for more deeply than anything else has been given to us, and can never be taken away. All we need to do is believe. And knowing this helps us to love others less selfishly, because we’re no longer starving for affirmation . So the focus can be more off of us, and more on another. You are loved, beyond measure my friend. Love your feedback!