Sunsets are Gods way of showing us just how creative He can be. And just when we feel like we have Him figured out, He's like BOOM! Take that! I love that about God, He always is looking for our attention, to capture our hearts in any way He can. He always captures mine when I get into moments like these with my beautiful bride. Sitting there and experiencing the orchestra of Gods love displayed in the many colors of the earth and sky. I long for moments like those because it not only where I feel the closest to my wife, but I feel the closest to God. I get the peace I need to conquer the day, and the joy to bring to my wife that we need to press on in our lives. Things in life are not always easy, but God is always good at reminding us that He is well in control by providing beautiful moments like this one. We just have the eyes to look out for it, and the heart to accept it. What is a way that you have been in the midst of beauty that has captured your heart in that moment? We always love hearing your insights and stories!