Caleb and I love young people. I mean we love people in general, but we feel like kids at heart and the energy and life kids bring is so awesome. I miss my students so much, and the time I get with kids rejuvenates me!
These two adorable twin 8th graders are our neighbors, and we all enjoyed a lot of fun and laughter shooting them yesterday. They love animals and sports and have such zest for life. Caleb and I kept saying afterwards how much fun we had and we need to photograph young people more often, because it was such a great time.
Grateful to have such sweet, kind neighbors. We all enjoyed (with their lovely mother) time with our kittens and bunnies afterwards. It was a night full of entertainment and laughter. Check out some of my favorites from our shoot below!
Thanks Caleb and Aiden for throwing these flowers up for this last picture! :)