We are Stefanie & Caleb Rouse. Lovers of Jesus, husband + wife best friends, true loves & business partners.
We have been married for over a decade, & live in Pittsburgh, PA with our dog Honey Bear and cat Snow. We are parents to twin baby boys named Shiloh & Asher who are in Heaven.
We are relationship mentors, digital creators & authors who love to encourage people in their faith, relationships, & purpose.
As relationship mentors we work with single women/men in group settings & have online courses to help them be set up for the most thriving relationship. In our courses we see them grow to cherish the season they are in, heal from breakups/lies, & walk with confidence, hope & empowerment in their future.
We work with engaged couples, newly married couples, & married couples through our online courses to help them cultivate deeper connection, healthier communication, navigate conflict in a healthy way & be set up for the most amazing marriage forever.
Stefanie's Masters is in Marriage and Family Therapy from Fuller Theological Seminary with a focus in Theology. Caleb’s Masters is in Education from Azusa Pacific University and he is SYMBIS trained.
We LOVE connecting with you!
You are loved beyond measure by the creator of the Universe!

Loving others can be so messy.
Somewhere along the way, maybe you’ve
Experienced pain and trauma that caused you to put up barriers in your heart
Felt disappointed that you didn’t get the relationship you once dreamed of.
Decided it’s too risky to open yourself up to getting hurt.
Maybe you’ve even felt this spreading into your relationship with God. If you're honest, maybe your connection with Him only feels surface level. You’ve shutdown with him too and aren’t experiencing His love like before.

Thank you so much for your interest!
We are excited to connect with you! Please fill out the info below or email us directly.
You can send us mail here:
P0 box 378 Bradfordwoods PA 15015