Is there something you look at that helps your perspective? I love the reminder of the globe on my desk. At times my world can see small and suffocating. When I look at a globe I’m reminded of so many things. I think of places I’ve traveled. Memories I’ve made. People I’ve met. I think of my friends in Rwanda and how very different their daily lives are from ours. I think of their smiles and joy from the littlest of things. I think of my family in Pittsburgh, Ohio, Virginia, South Carolina, Minnesota, New York and Missouri. I think of friends all over the place. I think of places I want to travel with Caleb and the magnificence of God that he could make all this. It’s similar to the feeling I get when I step outside and I look at the sky. Problems and worries I have seem to melt away when I think of the vastness of God’s greatness and love. That His love reaches higher than the Heavens and His faithfulness never ends. The suffocating and self-focus emotions melt away, and are replaced by the remembrance of all the beautiful people and things created in the world and the love God has for us. What helps your perspective? We love to hear from you!!