I told you guys that January was one of the most difficult months. Here’s one of the reasons...
My hands basically stopped working in Dec/Jan. It felt like they were frozen solid. Lots of tears from the physical and emotional pain I was feeling. Overuse was the culprit. I shot 2 weddings and over 30+ photoshoots in Nov. and Dec., graphic design projects, & Christmas presents for family, etc. I got mad at God for a little bit to be honest. I love seeing others through God’s lens of love, the joy it is to help others see how wonderfully made they are through 📷. We gave half back to our church @angelustemplela & we did many for free for families who didn’t have the resources living at the @ladreamcenter. And our heart to glorify God. So why did it have to be this painful? It felt like my dream was being ripped away from me. We asked God to use this pain for His glory, and Caleb and I had some major business & prayer meetings together to reevaluate our company. We asked tough questions to see what is truly our main passion in life. The thing on our heart more than anything: creating a class/mentorship program based on my Masters degree in Psychology, Caleb’s Masters in Education, case studies, what worked for my clients, our marriage etc. We decided to only take 5 weddings per year (no extra photoshoots).
Our main focus: an online class/mentorship program for those single or in a relationship wanting to set themselves up for the best relationship possible. We’ve been working our butts off to make it the most transformative, amazing class - everything I wish I had 10 years ago (so I could have saved myself a lot of time, money, heartache) but I’m not complaining-all the work has set me up for a place to know I’m going to help people in huge ways now. God needed to get our attention or I would have kept doing non-stop photoshoots, but obviously He has people designated for Caleb and I to help that will change the world one life at a time. Your support through these changes seriously means the world to us! How has something painful in your life lead you to a new path? Love hearing from you!