January was a tough year but we made it through. 😂 Anyone else feel that way? I always get super pumped for the new year, all my goals, the fresh start, and then all kinda random stuff happens that hits me like a ton of bricks. I hope January wasn’t as wild for you as it was for us, but cheers 🥂 to a new month starting tomorrow!
Life can look so nice a neat in these little squares, but it’s anything but. Even Honey Bear 🍯🐻looks so innocent and perfect, but I just spent the last 10 minutes cleaning up an accident she had. Everyone has their own set of insecurities & battles. But I’m learning to flip the script as much as I can & focus on the good, excellent things in life (learning how to do this better 😂 ). I’m glad every new day, even every new minute is a chance for a fresh start!
I think I set the bar too high for January, but I also have a lot to be grateful for. The lesson's God’s teaching me through @angelustemplela & @churchome. @proverbs31ministries , the Bible Study I’ve been doing called, Armor Of God by Priscilla Shirer, The Life Journal Reading Plan through @youversion (goes through the Old Testament once and New Testament twice through the year, this is my 10th year doing this & Caleb does it with me 😀 ). Every second I get talking to, playing board games with, going on adventures, looking at @cjrouse . Time talking to and being with family and friends. Meeting new friends. Connecting with new people on this app. Online community @risingtidesociety, @cultivatewhatmatters . A new course I’m creating, clients from our other course I run. New brands to work with and so much more. Even the tough stuff (which I’ll spare you the details) made me grow. 🌱
What’s something you’re grateful for that happened in January? Love hearing from you!